Økern Sentrum Logo

The new hub for the east of Oslo

A future-oriented and sustainable urban development project in the heart of Hovinbyen

Read more about Økern Sentrum
Follow the project

Økern Sentrum is well on its way to setting the parameters for a future “capital” in the east of Oslo. You can follow the development of the plan here:

Read more about the project here
Public consultation

The planning proposal was on public hearing

Revised plan after public consultation

Following the public consultation, input is addressed and the plan is revised and submitted for authority review and issue for limited hearing.

Consultation of revised proposal

Limited consulation process of the revised planning proposal.

Issue for political processing

Following a public consultation, input will be addressed before the planning authorities can submit the plan proposal for political processing.

Approved zoning and start of building permit applications

It is estimated that application and construction for the first phase will commence in 2024-2025. This depends on the processing of the case.

What is happening at Økern
Go to Økern Magazine
HXF0 E5 web
- Project director Thomas Holth
<p>"We've received more than a thousand ideas from residents, authorities, organisations, and businesses, which demonstrates that Økern is crying out for diversity and a variety of places to meet. We're now embarking on our task of reinvigorating Økern and shake the place up, almost around the clock"</p>
Read more about sustainability and social responsibility here
Participatory project on Økern

There has been a great deal of interest in the development of Økern Sentrum in the local community and among municipal and regional decision-makers. This interest has given us a lot of valuable input that has helped to show us both challenges and opportunities. Økern is socially diverse, with a unique identity that should be built on in our work on the project.

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Diverse urban life and experiences

Et sammensatt tilbud av handel, boliger og arbeidsplasser, sammen med kultur- og aktivitetstilbud kjennetegner en vellykket «sentrumskjerne» med liv døgnet og året rundt.

Local and regional cultural investment

Økern Sentrum skal være et viktig sted for Oslos kulturliv, både i form av kulturproduksjon og oppsetninger. Kultursatsingen skal være for alle og også ha spesielt fokus på lokale satsinger.

Local production and logistics hubs

Det legges til rette for å videreføre Økerns lange tradisjoner for produksjon og logistikk i en bymessig situasjon. Parkering, varelogistikk og renovasjon løses under bakken og «server» byen over, inkl. arealer til småskala produksjon og håndverksvirksomhet.

Urban spaces with water and nature

Av totalt 90 000 m2 i planområdet vil om lag en tredjedel av arealet avsettes til offentlig tilgjengelige torg, gater, vann, bekker og grøntdrag. Dette skal gi høy kvalitet til det urbane bybildet på Økern.
About Økern sentrum

<p>Find out more about how Økern will be transformed from an industrial area to a sustainable and dynamic urban centre for the whole of Oslo.</p>

About the project